
Showing posts from July, 2022

#GoHomePolitician$! Google: Blockclerk Governance

Go Home Politician$ 4 blockclerk Governance. 1. Vote for Issue, do not vote for politician$. 2. Taxpayers take care their own TAX. 3. Lucky LEADERS. Go Home Politician$. Google: Blockclerk Governance.

Kill Bank$ with GAOZIcoin

China deploys tanks to prevent people from withdrawing money; grim reminder of Tiananmen Square incident

#WeMoveAsOne by #GaoZiCoin

One Love

My birthday gifts

July 17 is my birthday. I did not tell anybody, but I got everything as a birthday boy needed. The photo is one of them. Google: gaozicoin ....... Google: touchiArtist ........... Google: blockclerk ........... Google: hap2py


Lord put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth

Goodbye Ottawa


I ask God: "God Which religion do you believe?"

God: Myself, and don't you?

One by One, i爱i am Killing your nation, money and GOD

Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ...... Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......Google: Stigmergy Age ......

Politician$: I show you how to blah, blab, blah... 学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。

Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py...... Google: hoogle: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py...... Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......Google: hap2py........Google: hap2py......学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。 学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。学坐太吉主,政客卖红薯。

#rUK? #rUS?

In UK, more than 50 members of his government have resigned since Tuesday. #rUS? Are you stupid? Stupid NEED$: Money to be happy. Politician to be governed. Riligion to be spiritual. rUS? are you stupid. Stupid NEED$: Money to be happy. Politician to be governed. Riligion to be spiritual. In 2015, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,'' and consequently that "makes us the first post-national state." In 2018, Trudeau uses fake Apple MacBook in photo op to let you know "I am a A puppet ruler." In 2022, "I appreciate you letting me jump in for a minute this morning….."

Stupid Animal

Who need money to be happy.... Who need politician to be governor..... Who need religion to be spiritual.... Your dad thinks I am a loser................................................ Your dad thinks I am a loser................................................ Your dad thinks I am a loser................................................ Your dad thinks I am a loser................................................ Your dad thinks I am a loser................................................ I am a puppet. You are stupid. " ....... Canadian PM Justin Trudeau used fake Mac with Apple sticker" ....... "I am a puppet. You are stupid. " ....... Canadian PM Justin Trudeau used fake Mac with Apple sticker...... I am a puppet. You are stupid. " ....... Canadian PM Justin Trudeau used fake Mac with Apple sticker....... I am a puppet. You are stupid. " ....... Canadian PM Justin Trudeau used fake Mac with Apple sticker" .......

#4thOfJuly Google: gaozicoin

........ Google: Hap2py..... Blockclerk system, Party without politician...... Postnation, communities without national boundaries....... GAO dynasty, God without religion.

🎉 #HappyBirthdayTomCruise

"Tom Cruise": "If we allow polliticians succeed by scaring people, we don't end up with safer. Fear doesn't make us safer. It makes us weaker." July 2, 2022.... www. pinterest. ca/pin/100557004160137676/ Top Gun

Face your Nation

John Lennon: Imagine there is no NATION . Justin Trudeau: PostNATION Touchi Artist: Kill all nation$.