Pierre 是政客。 土豆是玩家。

有一次,Pierre 举行记者招待会,我静静的站在他身后举牌,他的金权保镖们把我扭扯到另一条街后。记者会结束后,他们才放人。我举的牌上是: Voters: Power to people Blockclerk Governance 1. Vote for ISSUES。Do not vote for politician$. 2. Taxpayers care TAX。You tell which department your TAX go. 3. Lucky LEADERs. Drew lottery to blockclerk. touchiartist. wordpress. com/ Pierre 为说客服务。 土豆: forward for everyone. 土豆告示我 “我在HP电脑上贴苹果商标的意思是: 选民是蠢货,我是傀儡” 土豆明白谁试图改变金权政体,他就死路一条:耶稣,甘地,列侬,甚至肯尼迪总统等。 Pierre 是政客。 土豆是玩家。 2015 Dummer-in-chief: Justin Trudeau says Canada is the world's first "postnational state". gaozicoin. blogspot.com /2022/08/in-chief-4-stigmergy-age