Butterfly Effect the Power of STIGmergy

Dear Human, Your plutocracy systems, GDP economic, military POWER, and religion GOD are outdated. You have to #PLAYwithGAO, otherwise move to Mars with Elon Musk. He is too smart to stay on my MOTHER Earth. He does not understand the power of STIGmergy, only using GDP money, US military and his biology power. Human, Being A HUMAN, U have at least 4 levels of power: 体力 Power 1, Energy, muscle. 功夫明星李小龙是最棒的之一。 智力 Power 2, Synergy, brain. ગાંધી महात्मा गांधी सर्वश्रेष्ठ में से एक थे 气力 Power 3, Stigmergy, dream. Jesus is one of the best user. 田力 Power 4, biology, Reproduction. Fidel Castro es uno de los mejores usuarios. Justin Trudeau conquistó Canadá. Play with GAO, Gifted Assets Offering to balance your Muscle, brain, stigmergy and biology, 4 levels of power for your system evolutions, if u love stay on my Mother Earth. Butterfly Effect the Power of STIGmergy Otherwise MOVE to Mars with smarty Elon Musk. Play with G...