i need the White House 爱您的白宫

In GAO I'm GIFTED 天生我才
I am the stigmergy guy, the owner of CANADA inc -- 1000 - 10 SPARKS ST, OTTAWA 我的花 K1P5B7


  1. Satoshi Nakamoto: “Bitcoin is a predicate machine. Over the following months, we shall explore different aspects that were not explicitly contained within the white paper,” the account tweeted on Monday. “These aspects are all parts of bitcoin, and are important. Some of these ideas were touched upon in the early years; now is the time to extrapolate and explain.”

    I need the White House. What you need Satoshi Nakmoto?

  2. Satoshi Nakamoto: "You are not smart. Your smartphone is smart than you. You are not stupid. Your God is stupid than you. God is a stupid spirit inside you and me. God can not speak for himself. God is using me to speak to you. You are a money slaver. Without money you can not do nothing but you can use your gifted asset to offer. Without money, every being is gifted. "

    It's time to play Bitcoin to be a p2pgarden banker again.

    Google: p2pgarden banker


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