Play! Play! play! PlayWITHgao

Play! Play! Play! 

Play with GAO - Gifted Asset Offering

Dear Secret service, I need your services. 

I need a bullet hole on my ear so I can get the White House as you did for Trump. But I do not need you tell me get down or get up as you are doing for Trump and Biden when I am in the White House.  I need the White House for treehouse not a poppet for your plutocracy corporation. Your president will work at home. 

I am the Player-in-CHIef. My hero is Terry FOX, not Terrorist. Be my Hero, put a bullet hole on my ear. Pleace, thank u. 

Play! Play! Play!  Play with GAO - Gifted Asset Offering. Otherwise,In 'troubling' 你们会出事


Play! Play!! Play!!! #PlayWithGAO at my playground, 119 rideau street, #Ottawa #ChinaDA.



Google: Gaozicoin


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